A case study in paper, Littlebirds’ 10 week production had a huge environmental impact.

Littlebirds is a television drama series shot between March-October 2019 in both the UK and Spain. For Greenshoot and Film London, it was an opportunity to consider the environmental impact of paper use during the production.
10 Weeks. 220 Crew.
42k Sheets of Paper.
The TV drama was shot over ten weeks with 220 crew. Previously printed documents the team was able to digitise included call sheets, petty cash, payslips, purchase orders, contracts, all accounting reports, invoices, timesheet, and bank statements. In doing so, they saved 42,166 sheets of A4 paper. Equivalent to five trees, 5.17 tonnes of CO2 emission, 183,000 litres of water and 383 litres of petroleum. There was also a cost-saving of £13,225.*
If the production had switched 100% of its production to the entirely paperless systems offered by Moneypenny, it would have saved a total of 141,714 A4 pages.
This would have left at least 15 trees standing, not pushed 15.38 tons of CO2e into the atmosphere, save a whopping 1,151 litres of petroleum and 550,000 litres of water.
Reducing the environmental impact, and creating better opportunities.
Jane Corden has always been passionate to eliminate the unnecessary use of paper in the TV & Film industry. She has spent many years of her career developing the Moneypenny software to be integral to the digital production office
Not only to reduce the impact on the environment but to enhance the opportunities for flexible working in the industry and create more efficiency resulting from less double handling.
Jane put the idea of a case study to Film London who engaged Greenshoot to conduct an independent assessment of a nominated project. Moneypenny then approached a longstanding user of the Moneypenny software, who was an advocate of paperless production.
We worked together to ensure the accounts department was completely paperless and subsequently debriefed to understand how the Moneypenny software could be developed further to achieve a completely paper free production.
Moneypenny UK provided payroll services and technical support in the UK.
Personal committment makes all the difference.
The starting point is the commitment of the key production personnel to the outcomes.
With that Moneypenny can work with the team to customise the software to the specific circumstances of the production considering the locations, the experience and reporting requirements of management, financiers and head office, the scale of the budget and the general infrastructure.
Training is key. Training the main implementers so that they in turn can educate tall crew to use the systems optimally seeking to reduce the resistance amongst those who hang on to their old and familiar ways.
We understand the necessity to demonstrate the advantages to the individual and accept that there will be those who will not be persuaded. For those we must have alternative solutions so that progress will not be stalled by individuals.
Challenges & outcomes.
For management it was easy. The added benefits of the digital approach provide a live cost manager that is always updated and accessible rather than the once a week snapshot of the paper world.
For some individuals we need to keep working but as the world in general moves towards a fully digital environment we are confident that the paperless system will be embraced by every team.
Furthermore the automation of information flow between the production office, all crew and departments and accounts ultimately frees everyone’s time for their primary goals.

“In the digital era, the Moneypenny production accounting software stands out and gives me the control I need to stay on budget.”
“Offering integrated online POs and crew onboarding, seamless digital record keeping for all transactions, a highly intuitive cost manager and incredibly powerful reporting facilities, it gives me the visibility and control I need to help ensure a production stays on budget and is audit ready at any time. Coupled with integrated crew payroll services and excellent IT support, Moneypenny are the go to company for all my production accounting needs.”
— Gareth Jones, Film Accounts UK